Drop-in equivalent of BR1647F (E2V)
Water Cooled Triode For Industrial RF Heating
Manufactured in India, in a world-class facility equipped with high quality machinery, materials and components sourced from reputed suppliers in America, Europe and Japan.
Water Cooled Triode For Industrial RF Heating
- Power Triode Tube Valve
- Output Power: 118 kW
- Anode voltage: 13 kV max
- Anode dissipation: 30 kW max
- Frequency: 30 MHz max
- Warranty: 12 months irrespective of number of hours in operation
- Condition: Brand New
- Price: Please call +91-9815309603 or email: [email protected]
Manufactured in India, in a world-class facility equipped with high quality machinery, materials and components sourced from reputed suppliers in America, Europe and Japan.
Data Sheet BR1674F / PET1674F
BR1647F is a power triode of coaxial ceramic-metal construction. It is intended primarily for industrial RF heating machines. Anode is cooled by forced-air.
Electrical characteristics of BR1647F
Filament . . Thoriated tungsten
Filament voltage (see note 1) 8.2 V
Filament Current . 238 A
Surge filament current (peak) (See note 2) 1200 A max
Filament cold resistance 4.0 mΩ
Peak usable cathode current 70 A
Amplification factor (Va = 10 kV, la = 5.0 A) 28
Mutual conductance (Va = 10 kV, la = 5.0 A) 51 mA/V
Inter-electrode capacitances:
Grid to anode . . 47 pF
Grid to filament . . 126 pF
Anode to filament . 2.0 pF
Mechanical characteristics of BR1647F
Overall dimensions . See outline drawing
Net weight: 16 kg approx, 35 pounds approx
Mounting position . Vertical, either way up
Thermal fuse PA85G
Cathode Connector PA830
For frequencies above 2 MHz, PA830 should be used in conjunction with a strip connection to provide a low inductance cathode return.
The BR1647F air cooling requirements are shown on page 5. The required air flow should be delivered through the radiator immediately before and during the application of any voltages. Filament power, anode power and air flow may be removed simultaneously.
The temperature of the seals and envelope must not exceed 200 °C. Cooling of the seals by low velocity air flow is required.
Radio Frequency Oscillator For Industrial Service
(Class C Conditions, One Tube)
Maximum Ratings (Absolute Values) of BR1647F
Frequency . . 30 MHz
Anode voltage . . 13 kV max
Anode input power . 150 kW max
Anode dissipation . 50 kW
Grid voltage (negative value) 2.0 kV max
Grid Current
On load . . 3.0 A max
Off load . . 3.8 A max
Grid dissipation . . 1.8 kW max
Grid Circuit resistance . 10 kΩ max
Cathode current . . 16 A max
Typical Operating Conditions of BR1647F
Frequency . . . 30 30 30 MHz
Anode Voltage . . 8.0 10 12 kV
Anode current . . 8.0 10 10.4 A
Anode dissipation . . 13.6 21.1 21.3 kW
Grid Voltage . . . -580 -700 -860 V
Grid resistor . . . 322 318 390 Ω
Grid current, on load . 1.8 2.2 2.2 A
Grid Current, off load . 2.8 3.4 3.4 A
Grid dissipation . . 711 1100 1100 W
Feedback ratio (See note 4) 13.7 13 12.2 %
Drive Power . . 1.7 2.6 3.0 kW
Output Power . . 51.9 84.6 102.9 kW
Efficiency . . . 79.3 80 82.8 %
Oscillator output power (See note 5) 50.2 82 100 kW
1. Temporary fluctuations up to + 5% or –10% in filament voltage are permissible.
2. The filament current of BR1647F must not exceed 1200 A, even momentarily, at any time.
3. If the tube is mounted with the anode uppermost, the water inlet and outlet connections should be reversed.
4. The feedback ratio is defined as Vg (pk)/Va(pk) X 100 where Vg(pk) = peak R.F grid voltage in volts and Va(pk) = peak R.F. anode voltage in volts.
5. Oscillator output power = P out – P drive where Pout= output power of tube to anode circuit and P drive = drive power fed back to grid circuit.
Electrical characteristics of BR1647F
Filament . . Thoriated tungsten
Filament voltage (see note 1) 8.2 V
Filament Current . 238 A
Surge filament current (peak) (See note 2) 1200 A max
Filament cold resistance 4.0 mΩ
Peak usable cathode current 70 A
Amplification factor (Va = 10 kV, la = 5.0 A) 28
Mutual conductance (Va = 10 kV, la = 5.0 A) 51 mA/V
Inter-electrode capacitances:
Grid to anode . . 47 pF
Grid to filament . . 126 pF
Anode to filament . 2.0 pF
Mechanical characteristics of BR1647F
Overall dimensions . See outline drawing
Net weight: 16 kg approx, 35 pounds approx
Mounting position . Vertical, either way up
Thermal fuse PA85G
Cathode Connector PA830
For frequencies above 2 MHz, PA830 should be used in conjunction with a strip connection to provide a low inductance cathode return.
The BR1647F air cooling requirements are shown on page 5. The required air flow should be delivered through the radiator immediately before and during the application of any voltages. Filament power, anode power and air flow may be removed simultaneously.
The temperature of the seals and envelope must not exceed 200 °C. Cooling of the seals by low velocity air flow is required.
Radio Frequency Oscillator For Industrial Service
(Class C Conditions, One Tube)
Maximum Ratings (Absolute Values) of BR1647F
Frequency . . 30 MHz
Anode voltage . . 13 kV max
Anode input power . 150 kW max
Anode dissipation . 50 kW
Grid voltage (negative value) 2.0 kV max
Grid Current
On load . . 3.0 A max
Off load . . 3.8 A max
Grid dissipation . . 1.8 kW max
Grid Circuit resistance . 10 kΩ max
Cathode current . . 16 A max
Typical Operating Conditions of BR1647F
Frequency . . . 30 30 30 MHz
Anode Voltage . . 8.0 10 12 kV
Anode current . . 8.0 10 10.4 A
Anode dissipation . . 13.6 21.1 21.3 kW
Grid Voltage . . . -580 -700 -860 V
Grid resistor . . . 322 318 390 Ω
Grid current, on load . 1.8 2.2 2.2 A
Grid Current, off load . 2.8 3.4 3.4 A
Grid dissipation . . 711 1100 1100 W
Feedback ratio (See note 4) 13.7 13 12.2 %
Drive Power . . 1.7 2.6 3.0 kW
Output Power . . 51.9 84.6 102.9 kW
Efficiency . . . 79.3 80 82.8 %
Oscillator output power (See note 5) 50.2 82 100 kW
1. Temporary fluctuations up to + 5% or –10% in filament voltage are permissible.
2. The filament current of BR1647F must not exceed 1200 A, even momentarily, at any time.
3. If the tube is mounted with the anode uppermost, the water inlet and outlet connections should be reversed.
4. The feedback ratio is defined as Vg (pk)/Va(pk) X 100 where Vg(pk) = peak R.F grid voltage in volts and Va(pk) = peak R.F. anode voltage in volts.
5. Oscillator output power = P out – P drive where Pout= output power of tube to anode circuit and P drive = drive power fed back to grid circuit.